Director of Biomechanics and Sports Science, The Golfing Machine, LLC
In Chapter Three of The Golfing Machine, 7th Edition, Mr. Kelley discusses the role of the Basic Motion (section 3-0, page 46):
“Your ‘Basic Motion’ (Preface) is simply ‘Up-and-Back-and-Down-and-Out’, per 7-23 –from Drive to Putt. Your ‘Total Motion’ is that Basic Motion plus its Component Variations (Chapter 10)—selected and/or otherwise (Chapter 12).”
In Chapter 12, section 12-5-0, page 227, under the topic of “Basic Requirements”, Mr. Kelley states:
“Your ‘Basic Motion’ is a selected motion carefully maintaining the same characteristics of Angle, Pace, Rhythm and Posture to serve as your ‘Constant’ on which Stroke Components can be hung without altering those characteristics for any unintentional cause (3-F-5-1).”
When describing key attributes of the “Practice Stroke” in Chapter 3, section 3-F-5-1, page 52, Mr. Kelley once again discusses the "Basic Motion” when he states:
“At least your 'Basic Motion’ (3-0)—that framework on which your Stroke Pattern Components are arranged and adjusted—the ‘Ties That Binds’ your game together.”
In an AOL search (AOL Desktop 9.8.0 Revision 4346.19) for the word “nucleus”, ( Powered by Oxford Dictionaries. Copyright Oxford University Press), the following definition of the word “nucleus” was present on the first search page, in a text box:
“noun 1. the central or most important part of an object, movement, or group, forming the basis for its activity and growth.
synonyms: core, center, central part, heart, nub, hub, middle, eye, focus, focal point, pivot, crux”
synonyms: core, center, central part, heart, nub, hub, middle, eye, focus, focal point, pivot, crux”
• From the definition of the word “nucleus”, and the referenced TGM passages quoted above, there can be no doubt that the Basic Motion is the “hub” or the nucleus of the Central Stroke Pattern. The Basic Motion is so much more than a “Stage One” procedure (12-5-1, page 228).
The “one piece ocean liner” (1-H, page 4) by which the design and assembly of the entire Central Stroke Pattern is constructed, specifically, for each individual ball behavior display goal required, has as its central command and control center or “nucleus”, a specific, designed, technical blueprint schematic, “Basic Motion” core. Without this Basic Motion nucleus, the Central Stroke Pattern cannot function or operate in a “lawful” manner.
• A Basic Motion nucleus is that specific central core region region located with-in the 1-L portion of the Central Stroke Pattern schematic, depicted in the diagram (1-L), on page 10, in TGM, in the 7th Edition.
• A Basic Motion nucleus is the hub or core regional portion, of a "lawfully" designed and executed stroke pattern. This hub, for example, in an "Acquired" or "Total" Motion, is located with-in the regional section between a 7-20 (page 112) Trigger location and the 6-H-0-C (page 88), “Both Arms Straight Position (8-11)”.
• For each desired hinge assembly to be installed, there will be a specific Basic Motion nucleus by which the specified, entire Central Stroke Pattern will operate.
• One of the most important tasks to be accomplished at the very beginning of any new instructional period, for any student golfer, regardless of skill level or experience, is for the student golfer to develop a fully functioning, “lawfully” operating, Basic Motion nucleus, with the highest level of proficiency as is possible, before moving outward from the “nucleus” to the “Acquired” and then “Total” regions of a fully operational Central Stroke Pattern.
• A key initial aspect of the discovery and assessment process is to evaluate the competency of the Basic Motion nucleus’ current status. The goal is to diagnostically determine the Alignment, Rhythm, and resultant Timing attributes of the specific student golfer’s Basic Motion nucleus and correct any and all detected areas of “wobble”, or “faulty execution” areas of concern in the motion display, as a first priority, before moving to the student golfer’s main declared area of focus that prompted the request for instruction. Hence, the value of section 3-F-5, page 52.
• Without a functioning “nucleus” and without a proficient “central command and control” hub, there can be no proficiency in the “Acquired” or “Total” Motion pattern display.
• Therefore, and to reinforce this key point, it is important to evaluate the Basic Motion nucleus regional hub of the total Central Stroke Pattern Motion first and then expand the analysis outward to look at the “Acquired” and then “Total" Motion, to ascertain, all sources of faulty execution in the Central Stroke Pattern.
For student golfers seeking to build skill and enhance performance, the Basic Motion’s keys must be fully understood and the execution display must be “lawful”. It is with-in the boundaries of this hub-of-motion that Clubshaft, Clubhead, and Clubface “controls” are mastered (1-L, A, B, C, page 9). And, it is with-in this “nucleus of operation” that other vital keys are also mastered such as:
• The Three Basic Essentials (2-0-A, page 12)
• The Three Basic Imperatives (2-0-B, page 12)
• The Practice Stroke, The Waggle, and The Forward Press (3-F-5 #'s 1, 2, 3, page 52 and 9-2-3 #2 to 9-2-3 #3, page 127)
• Release Motions (4-D-0, page 60)
• Educated Hands (5-0, page 63)
• Hinging (2-G, 7-10, pages 27 and 102, 103)
• Etc...
A computer has a Central Processing Unit (CPU) functioning as a “nucleus”. A human being has a brain functioning as a “nucleus”. The golf stroke has a Basic Motion functioning as a “nucleus”. Thus, the Basic Motion is the critical core hub and the central command and control center for optimal functionality of a Central Stroke Pattern.
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