BIA™ 101: Foundations in Human Body Function and Golf Performance Part 2

By Dr. Matthew M. Rosman, GSEE
Director, The Golfing Machine Division of Biomechanics and Sports Science

Information goals for this series:

• Providing a foundation for learning of selected key human body structures and regions with the goal of orientation and understanding of the function of these designated structures.
• Defining the technique and performance relationship between the highlighted human body area and its purposeful biomechanical operation in the performance of the golf motion.
• Providing the reader with a Golfing Machine-BIA™ Fusion connection for optimal scholastic and practical education assimilation and application.
In this article series key areas of the human body will be highlighted, explored, and dissected to identify basic function as well as the role played in the choreography of motion for golf activity.

In Part 1, the first area for exploration, discussion, and assimilation is to become familiar with the human structure from a global as well as navigational position perspective.  

In BIA™ 101 Part 2 a map of the human skeleton by key regions will be introduced to enhance the ability to better understand function and performance as a first step in developing the ability to identify disruption sources that impair golf stroke patterns.

In order to be able to successfully operate and diagnose performance pattern disruptions in the chain of flow motion choreography of poses it is imperative to be able to organize the skeletal system into key regional hubs.

 The term “hubs” is used in the BIA™ System as the human body is structurally engineered to provide mechanical zones which are anchors by which chains of action may be implemented to serve as part of a “code” of expression with diversity of options as needed for both voluntary and involuntary actions.  Examples of codes of expression include use of the biomechanical system for:

  • Gestures associated with communication
  • Behaviors that support activities of daily living
  • Functions necessary for safety, comfort, survival, and physiological support
  • Protection from instability, injury, or automated mechanisms for equilibrium
  • Creativity, personal growth, spiritual fulfillment, and joyful recreation

Therefore, the code of expression for any specific pose sequence is dependent upon the functional viability of the utilized biomechanical system for optimal performance.  For golf, a key goal is to observe, examine, and diagnose performance aberrations and trace the source of disruption to the specific anatomical source(s).  By organizing the body into “hubs” there is great improvement in the detection and tracing process.

In the BIA Level One text this detection and tracing process was discussed under the subject of Swing Mapping™ where effects and observable aberrations in the flow of pose choreography are traced to sources and causes. In order to Swing Map™ the diagnostician must have knowledge in the organizational make up of the Skeletal System. 

The Skeletal System is divided into two key zones:

  • The Axial Skeleton: The Central Region
  • The Appendicular Skeleton: The Peripheral Region

Using as reference pages 3 and 4 in the Illustrated Atlas of Musculoskeletal Anatomy written by Dr. Patrick Barron, the Axial Skeleton includes the skull, spine, sacrum, coccyx, ribs, sternum, and small hyoid bone. The Appendicular Skeleton includes each clavicle, scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, phalanges, pelvic innominate bone, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges. In other words the Appendicular Skeleton includes the upper and lower extremities.  The lower extremities include the two large innominate bones of the pelvis as well that attach to the sacrum (part of the Axial Skeleton).

This organizational compartmentalization of the entire skeleton into two main regions is just a starting point.  The Golfing Machine written by Homer Kelley utilizes Three Zones in Chapter 9 to also create an organizational chart of the biomechanical system relative to key technical functions of orchestration that are executed for specified participation via a Stroke Pattern.

By further organizing the Axial and Appendicular partitions of the skeleton into “hubs” or localized biomechanical centers, the capacity to assign roles, sources, and responsibilities for observable patterns of operation by the golfer in motion may be realized.  The interrelationship of the biomechanical system in many ways may be comparable to a finely crafted timepiece.  The manner by which specific gears interact and the combined mechanized effects of the “gear effect” produces an operational reliability and display of performance that is not only efficient but economical as well.

Examples of key skeletal hubs include those bony centers that provide a “platform” by which the operational expression of the entire “chain” is dependent on.  The hub and its designated “anchor” position of reference may be optimally aligned or may be sub-optimal in some manner due to deformity of position resulting from aberrant postural stresses, degenerative degradation, a lack of educated awareness regarding the strategic alignment of that key anchor landmark of that specific hub, and so, on.

The concept of strategic alignment of specific biomechanical hubs renders the notion that attention must be placed upon the golfer to be “schooled” in voluntary pose management. Education and navigation control of various parts of the biomechanical system into foundational alignments starting at the hub of a biomechanical center is a first key step in enhancing performance for golf.

What types of hubs or key biomechanical centers are there in the skeletal system for application to the golfer?  In Part III of this series, this subject will be discussed.  
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