BIA Philosophy

Welcome to BIA ™ Golf: A System based on the Clinical and Diagnostic areas of Golf Performance

This is an educational and scholastic site that provides an in-depth spectrum of information focusing on the golfer’s neuromusculoskeletal performance system.   The key to human performance optimization for golf is to harness the power of problem solving using the objectivity of complementary sciences that have standards of practice and operation.  A shared responsibility alliance creates a total umbrella approach by uncovering competency deficiencies specific to respective areas of expertise and practice.  All areas of focus must be tailored to the science of golf and the fundamentals, principles, proficiencies, and postulates required for participation.

In fact, BIA™ or Biomechanical Integration Approach™ serves as the link by which those engaged in Golf Instruction, Golf Performance, and Golf Rehabilitation may interrelate in a more synergistic manner to serve the ever increasing population of golfers who participate with a pre-existing array of dysfunctions and impairments ranging from a lack of comprehension or understanding of a golf science construct, to conditioning irregularities, to disruptions in the chain of action of specific structural linkages, to those with medical conditions and/or musculoskeletal deformities and impairments.

Nearly every golfer regardless of status, handicap, gender, age,, has some element or degree of block or dysfunction that influences and/or impairs the flow of motion disturbing the technical execution compliance needed for optimal participation.  Why?  Because we are all human beings adapting our body and our motion to the inherent design of the golf club and the rules by which participation is governed. 

Address comportment of the body, unilateral patterns of motion, repetition, physical exertion, and personal functional capacity with inherent biomechanical structural lifestyle distortions factor into the spectrum of performance based challenges that all golfers face. This means that at a specified time of observation or assessment the expressed performance by the participant will not meet the baseline technical blueprint requirements resulting in deficiency of some degree.

The body ultimately expresses the brain’s blueprint.  The body may not receive accurate information because of a flaw in the stored educational concepts of the individual golfer.  Or, the body may receive accurate information but may have a “hub of dysfunction” which cannot mechanically express a required pattern of poses needed for “lawful” golf participation.  The hub of dysfunction disturbs the “flow of pose choreography” leading to execution error as the biomechanical motor pattern expressed along the chain of linkages cannot conform to the “technique pathway”.   Simply put, and to reiterate what was stated in the home page’s analogy: the musician failed to accurately express the designated chords and notes indicated on the sheet music in the right order, with the correct timing, and so, on.

That is why the “BIA™ Way” always emphasizes that the brain learns the habit, not the body.   

By “integrating” the common languages of golf science with that of the sciences and academics of performance/motor learning, allied health, as well as exercise physiology, a greater understanding and insight into the “best practices” for each golf participant may be implemented in a productive and personalized “tailored” approach.

The “mainframe” standard of reference or source for golf science constructs for BIA™ is The Golfing Machine text written by Mr. Homer Kelley.  This is referred to as the science of G.O.L.F. (Geometric Oriented Linear Force).  Other gold standard golf references are recognized by BIA™.  These references, for example, would include academic  as well as objective research findings seen in texts,  published studies, and recognized journals by those trained and credentialed in their respective area of study and expertise.

It is imperative that all the scientific disciplines and professions who interact with golfers develop strong relationships, partnerships, and a sense of a “shared responsibility” for improving the ability and capability of today’s golfer.

BIA’s™ platform of education, design, and function operates from a foundation embedded in the “clinical’ and “diagnostic” disciplines of problem solving.  BIA™ uses a prioritized strategic management process seen in the health sciences.